accretion (उपलेप)

Submitted by admin on Fri, 09/25/2009 - 18:57
बंगाली में ( in Bengali )
उपलेप ( upalepa)
हिन्दी में ( in Hindi )
अभिवृद्धि ( abhivridhi)
गुजराती में ( in Gujarati )
कांप आधारित भूमिवृद्धि ( Kampa adharita bhumivridhi)
मलयालम में ( in Malayalam )
वृद्धि ( vridhi)
कन्नड़ में ( in Kannada )
मड्डि भूमिवृद्धि ( maddi bhumivridhi)
मराठी में ( in Marathi )
उपवृद्धि ( upvridhi)
तमिल में ( in Tamil )
वन्डल तिरट्टु ( vandala tirattu)
तेलगू में ( in Telugu)
मेटा ( Meta)
अन्य स्रोतों से
Accretion (atmosphere), the process by which water vapor in clouds forms water droplets around nucleation sites

Accretion (geology), the increase in size of a tectonic plate by addition of material along a convergent boundary

Accretion (coastal management), the process where coastal sediments return to the visible portion of the beach following storm erosion