खनिविस्फोटज गैसः
खानों में आग लग जाने के बाद या फायरडैम्प विस्फोट के बाद अवशिष्ट एक विषैला अश्वसनीय गैस-मिश्रण जो मुख्यतः कार्बोनिक एसिड गैस, कार्बन डाई-ऑक्साइड, कार्बन मोनोऑक्साइड और नाइट्रोजन से युक्त होता है।
विकिपीडिया से (Meaning from Wikipedia)
Afterdamp is the toxic mixture of gases left in a mine following an explosion caused by firedamp, which itself can initiate a much larger explosion of coal dust. It consists of carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and nitrogen. Hydrogen sulfide, another highly toxic gas, may also be present. However, it is the high content of carbon monoxide which kills by depriving victims of oxygen by combining preferentially with haemoglobin in the blood.
Afterdamp was the deadly gas which caused the majority of casualties in the many pit disasters of the British coalfields, and elsewhere in the world. Such disasters continue to afflict working mines, especially in mainland China.
Afterdamp was the deadly gas which caused the majority of casualties in the many pit disasters of the British coalfields, and elsewhere in the world. Such disasters continue to afflict working mines, especially in mainland China.