अंतर्प्रवाह (INTERFLOW Meaning and definition in Hindi)
अंतर्प्रवाह (INTERFLOW Definition in Hindi) 1. अवक्षेपण का वह भाग, जो भूमि में अन्त: स्यन्दित होता है एवं तत्पश्चात मृदा की ऊपरी परत में बहता हुआ पुन: प्रवेश बिन्दु से दूर स्थित किसी स्थान पर वापिस सतह पर आ जाता है।
अंतर्प्रवाह (INTERFLOW Definition in English) 1. A part of the precipitation that infilters into the ground moves laterally through upper crusts of the soil and returns to the surface at some location away from the point of entry into the soil.
अंतर्प्रवाह (INTERFLOW Definition in English) 2. Interflow - flow of water through the upper soil layers to a ditch, stream, etc.
अंतर्प्रवाह (INTERFLOW Definition in English) 3. Interflow: That portion of the precipitation which has not passed down to the water table, but is discharged from the unsaturated zone by lateral movement during and immediately after a precipitation event. The water moving as interflow discharges directly into a stream channel or lake.