असंतृप्त क्षेत्र (UNSATURATED ZONE Meaning in Hindi)
भूखण्ड का वह भाग जिसमें रन्ध्र आंशिक रूप से जल तथा वायु से भरे होते है तथा जल आणविक बलों के द्वारा निलंबित रहता है।
That portion of the lithosphere in which the interstices are filled partly with air and partly with water, held or suspended by molecular forces.
Unsaturated Zone - the zone between the land surface and the water table which may include the capillary fringe. Water in this zone is generally under less than atmospheric pressure and some of the voids may contain air or other gases at atmospheric pressure. Beneath flooded areas or in perched water bodies the water pressure locally may be greater than atmospheric.