Insolation (Meaning in Hindi) आतपन, सूर्यातप
(Definition in Hindi) 1. वायुमंडल के शीर्ष पर प्रति इकाई क्षैतिज तल पर पड़ने वाला सौर विकिरण।
(Definition) 2. The instantaneous insolation is the energy received per unit time on 1 m2 of a horizontal plane at the top of the atmosphere (or equivalently on a horizontal plane at the Earth’s surface if we neglect the influence of the atmosphere). It is measured in W/m2 . The daily insolation is the total insolation received during one day (J/m2 ).
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विकिपीडिया से (Meaning from Wikipedia)
वेबस्टर शब्दकोश ( Meaning With Webster's Online Dictionary )
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