भावी जलवैज्ञानिक घटनाओं के अनुमान हेतु भूतकाल में हो चुकी घटनाओं की व्याख्या करने की प्रक्रिया, उदाहरणार्थ- बाढ़, सूखा, भण्डारण, वर्षा, जलगुणवत्ता, तरंग आदि की आवृत्तियों का आकलन।
Procedure involved in interpreting a past record of hydrological events in terms of future probabilities of occurrence, e.g. estimates of frequencies of floods, droughts, storage, rainfall, water quality, waves, etc.
Procedure involved in interpreting a past record of hydrological events in terms of future probabilities of occurrence, e.g. estimates of frequencies of floods, droughts, storage, rainfall, water quality, waves, etc.