अवशिष्ट द्रव्यमान वक्र (RESIDUAL MASS CURVE Meaning in Hindi)
अवशिष्ट द्रव्यमान वक्र (RESIDUAL MASS CURVE Meaning in Hindi) 1. किसी संदर्भ जैसे अंकगणित औसत से संचयी विचलन एवं समय या दिनांक का आरेख।
अवशिष्ट द्रव्यमान वक्र (RESIDUAL MASS CURVE Definition in English) 1.Graph of the cumulative departures from a given reference, such as the arithmetic average, versus time or date.
अवशिष्ट द्रव्यमान वक्र (RESIDUAL MASS CURVE Definition in English) 2. Residual-Mass Curve A graph of the cumulative departures from a given reference such as the arithmetic average, generally as ordinate, plotted against time or date, as abscissa. (See mass curve.)