बाढ़ मार्ग (FLOOD WAY Meaning in Hindi)
बाढ़ मार्ग (FLOOD WAY definition in Hindi) 1. किसी नदी, सरिता या इनसे संलग्न बाढ़ क्षेत्र के वह भाग जो बाढ़ जल को बहा ले जाने के काम आते है।
बाढ़ मार्ग (FLOOD WAY definition in English) 1. The channel of a river or stream and those portions of the flood plains adjoining the channel, which are required to carry and discharge the flood water.
बाढ़ मार्ग (FLOOD WAY definition in English) 2. Floodway - A part of the floodplain otherwise leveed, reserved for emergency diversion of water during floods. A part of the floodplain which, to facilitate the passage of floodwater, is kept clear of encumbrances. The channel of a river or stream and those parts of the floodplains adjoining the channel which are reasonably required to carry and discharge the floodwater or flood flow of any river or stream.