प्रणाल संचायक, वाहिका संचयन (Channel storage Meaning in Hindi)

Submitted by Hindi on Sat, 05/01/2010 - 09:22

प्रणाल, प्रणाल संचायक, वाहिका संचयन (Channel storage Meaning in Hindi)

प्रणाल संचायक, वाहिका संचयन (Channel storage Definition in Hindi) 1. मुख्य वाहिका में जल की कुल मात्रा।

प्रणाल संचायक, वाहिका संचयन (Channel storage Definition in English) 1. Channel Storage - The volume of water at a given time in the channel or over the flood plain of the streams in a drainage basin or river reach. Channel storage can be large during the progress of a flood event.