Pavitra Singh
Tel/ Mo No
Dear friend, Channelisation of the river bank i.e. bandh is a major threat that is increasing the frequency and intensity of flood. due to bandh water is running through narrow channels that increses the hight of water in river and also increases the retention time of water in river, for example if you have 10 ltr of water and you want to remove it from bucket by using a small hole and by a big hole you will see the result. in the same way if there will be no bandh then water will flow without any obstruction and will go rapidly and risk of flood will be reduced. if bandh will not be in the river then water will spread in all around the area not only in single place that will reduce the hight of water and some water will be recharged to the ground that will also help to reduce the intensity of flood, one can under stand this by the example of spreading of 10 ltr water in to 2 squre foot area and in 10 Squre foot area. The chhannelisation of river is costely affiar so our decision makers are very much intrested to creat it so that they can get their own part......