एकड़ फुट (Acre-foot Meaning in Hindi)

Submitted by admin on Thu, 04/22/2010 - 16:46

एकड़ फुट (Acre-foot Meaning in Hindi)

एकड़ फुट परिभाषा (Acre-foot Definition in Hindi) 1. एक एकड़ भूमि में एक फीट की गहराई तक भरे पानी की मात्रा को एकड़-फुट कहते हैं। 

एकड़ फुट परिभाषा (Acre-foot Definition in Hindi) 2. पानी की मात्रा जो एक एकड़ (43560 वर्ग फीट) के क्षेत्र को कवर करेगी, एक फुट की गहराई तक; यह 325,851 गैलन या 1233.48 घनमीटर के बराबर है।

एकड़ फुट परिभाषा (Acre-foot Definition in English) 1.  the volume of water that would cover an area of one acre (43560 ft2 ) to a depth of one foot; this is equal to 325,851 gallons or 1233.48 m3 .

Word Explanation

The amount of water needed to cover an acre (approximate a football field) one foot deep, or 325,900 gallons. One acre-foot can support the annual indoor and outdoor needs of between one and two households per year, and, on average, three acre-feet are needed to irrigate one acre of farmland.

एकड़-फुट (Acre-foot in Hindi)

The quantity of water required to cover one acre of land to a depth of one foot, equally a quantity of 43,560 cubic feet or 326,000 gallons.



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