किसी नदी मे दिये गये स्थान पर वृष्टि अपवाह का वह जलालेख जो किसी निकासी क्षेत्र पर एकक अवधि के दौरान हुई वर्षा अधिक्य के परिणाम स्वरूप उत्पन्न हो तथा जिसका अपवाह परिणाम इकाई हो।
Hydrograph of storm runoff at a given point on a given stream which will result from an isolated rainfall excess of unit duration occurring over the contributing drainage area and resulting in a unit of runoff.
Hydrograph of storm runoff at a given point on a given stream which will result from an isolated rainfall excess of unit duration occurring over the contributing drainage area and resulting in a unit of runoff.