एन पी पी ई एस (NPDES in Hindi)

Submitted by Jeetendra on Thu, 08/17/2017 - 12:21

एन पी पी ई एस (NPDES in Hindi)

एन पी पी ई एस

Word Explanation

National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System. A federal permit authorized by the Clean Water Act, Title IV, which is required for discharge of pollutants to navigable waters of the United States, which includes any discharge to surface waters lakes, streams, rivers, bays, the ocean, wetlands, storm sewer, or tributary to any surface water body.

अन्य स्रोतों से


बाहरी कड़ियाँ

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विकिपीडिया से (Meaning from Wikipedia)


वेबस्टर शब्दकोश ( Meaning With Webster's Online Dictionary )

हिन्दी में -

शब्द रोमन में


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