हिमालयन इंस्टिट्यूट फॉर एन्वायरमेंट इकॉलजी एण्ड डेवलपमेंट

Submitted by Hindi on Fri, 01/04/2013 - 17:13
Name in English
Himalayan Institute for Environment Ecology and Development
संपर्क व्यक्ति
श्री कमल बहुगुणा
फोन न.
डाक पता/ Postal Address
रानीचौरी, टिहरी गढ़वाल
जिला / District
टिहरी गढ़वाल, देहरादून
राज्य / State
तालुका / शहर
टिहरी गढ़वाल
Org Location District
Org Location State
किस प्रकार का संगठन ( जैसे - सरकारी, एनजीओ, सीएसआर)
सेनिटेशन एनजीओ
1. Registered & Head Office:
Himalayan Institute For Environment, Ecology & Development (HIFEED)
Post Bag No. 7, HIFEED Campus,
Ranichauri- 249 199 District- Tehri Garhwal,Uttarakhand, (INDIA)

Phone No: (01376) 252141

Fax No: (01376) 252149
E-Mail: hifeed_uttaranchal@rediffmail.com, hifeeduttaranchal@hifeed.org

Website: www.hifeed.org

2. Administrative Office:

Himalayan Institute For Environment, Ecology & Development (HIFEED)
Street No. 4, Shastri Nagar, Haridwar Road
Dehradun, Uttarakhand (INDIA) - 248 008

Phone and Fax No: (0135) 2666865
E-Mail: hifeed_uttaranchal@rediffmail.com, hifeeduttaranchal@hifeed.org
Website: www,hifeed.org

3.Saandhya Deep Center:

Himalayan Institute For Environment, Ecology & Development (HIFEED)
Village- Badripur, P.O. Badripur
District Dehradun, Uttarakhand
Phone No: (0135) 2666882

4.Public Relation Office:
Himalayan Institute For Environment, Ecology & Development (HIFEED)
152/10, Sarai Jullena, Okhla Road
Near Escorts Heart Institute, New Friends Colony
New Delhi- 110 025

Mobile No: 9650912866
E-Mail: nbcindia@gmail.com