In hilly areas the availability of precipitation is more than plain. However, it drains out quickly. Whereas, in plain you have

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 11/12/2010 - 16:30
Anand verdhen
Tel/ Mo No
In hilly areas the availability of precipitation is more than plain. However, it drains out quickly. Whereas, in plain you have natural storage, ponds, delayed river flow and well or water bodies to utilise by gravity or lifting mechanism. Your question is important as in hilly areas there is lack of natural storage in the form of stanting/ accumulated water naturally, in general. Indeed, in mountainous areas it is in the form of snow and glaciers keeping the streams perennial. In hilly regions, the level of land and plots are varying and mostly having contour farming. So, the rain water harvesting will/shall follow the the technique based on the requirement and pattern of available terrain and requirement.In my openion simplest way is to have bunds around your plot. Secondly, channelise the rain water or perennial water through contour earthen, or hill-cut drains feeding all the concerned plots. Thirdly, to have check dams to store and divert water through channel upto your feasible area of interest. Fouthly, you need to consult your local block, disrict and water and land management institute or authority and if there is any good site/location or valley U/S nearby to create/construct a proper storage or diversion dam, move the requirement through the irrgation department to the CWC and Ministry of water resources and get approval for the sustainable and economical schemes viable convincing Ministry of forest and environment. Care has to be taken that it should be based on the pulic participation. Otherwise, there may be structure but no water at time to irrigate/drink or if water not required or not managed properly, it will submerge and damage the area or settlement to uproot economically for ever/longer. With best wishes and indeed happy to suggest further, if any.