जलस्तर-निस्सरण वक्र (STAGE-DISCHARGE CURVE Meaning in Hindi)
जलस्तर-निस्सरण वक्र (STAGE-DISCHARGE CURVE Definition in Hindi) 1. नदी में किसी परिच्छेद पर जलस्तर एवं निस्सरण के बीच सम्बंध दर्शाने वाले वक्र को जलस्तर-निस्सरण वक्र कहते है।
जलस्तर-निस्सरण वक्र (STAGE-DISCHARGE CURVE Definition in English) 1. The relation between stage and corresponding discharge at a particular section in a river, represented in the form of a curve.
जलस्तर-निस्सरण वक्र (STAGE-DISCHARGE CURVE Definition in English) 2. Stage-Discharge Curve (rating curve) - A graph showing the relation between the water height, usually plotted as ordinate, and the amount of water flowing in a channel, expressed as volume per unit of time, plotted as abscissa.