दीर्घकालिक भौगोलिक अवस्थाओं तथा सौर प्रभावों के फलस्वरूप लगभग निश्चित अन्तराल पर मौसमीय घटनाओं, जैसे आर्द तथा सूखा वर्ष, गर्म एवं ठंडा वर्ष, की वास्तविक या संभावित पुनरावृत्ति को जलवायु चक्र कहते है।
Actual or supposed recurrences of such weather phenomena as wet and dry years, hot and cold years, at more or less regular intervals, in response to long range terrestrial and solar influences, in response to long range terrestrial and solar influences.
Actual or supposed recurrences of such weather phenomena as wet and dry years, hot and cold years, at more or less regular intervals, in response to long range terrestrial and solar influences, in response to long range terrestrial and solar influences.