मृदा तथा जल के संरक्षण के लिए जलविभाजक के प्रबंधन हेतु भूमि का उसकी क्षमताओं के अनुरूप उपयोग तथा उपचार किए जाने की आवश्यकता होती है। इसका उद्देश्य भूमि को सभी प्रकार के मृदा ह्रास से बचाना, अपरदित तथा अवक्षित मृदा का पुर्ननिर्माण मृदा उर्वरता का पुन: निर्माण, अपवाह तथा अवसाद उत्पादन क्षेत्रों को स्थायित्व प्रदान करना, हरित भूमि एवं वन्यजीवन हेतु भूमि का सुधार करना, लाभदायक उपयोगों हेतु जल संरक्षण आवश्यक निकासी तथा सिंथाई प्रदान करना तथा बाढ़ एवं अवसाद निकासी को कम करना है।
Management of watershed to conserve soil and water requires that the land be used within its capabilities and treated according to its need.The objectives are to protect the land against all forms of soil deterioration, to rebuild eroded and depleted soil, to build up soil fertility, to stabilize critical runoff and sediment producing areas, to improve grass lands, woodlands and wild life lands, to conserve water for beneficial use, to provide needed drainage and irrigation and to reduce flood and sediment drainage.
Management of watershed to conserve soil and water requires that the land be used within its capabilities and treated according to its need.The objectives are to protect the land against all forms of soil deterioration, to rebuild eroded and depleted soil, to build up soil fertility, to stabilize critical runoff and sediment producing areas, to improve grass lands, woodlands and wild life lands, to conserve water for beneficial use, to provide needed drainage and irrigation and to reduce flood and sediment drainage.