जलविज्ञानीय कारकों के गलत निर्धारण के कारण विफलता जैसे अपर्याप्त उत्प्लाव क्षमता के कारण मिट्टी के बाँध के ऊपर से पानी बहना तथा अनुवर्ती विफलता अधिक बाढ़ प्रवाह के कारण सेतु तथा पुलिया की विफलता, सरिता प्रवाह के अधिक आकलन के कारण बड़े जलाशयों को भरने की अयोग्यता आदि।
Failures due to improper assessment of hydrological factors such as overtopping and consequent failure of an earthen dam due to inadequate spillway capacity, failure of bridges and culverts due to excess flood flow inability of a large reservoir to fill up due to overestimation of flow etc.
Failures due to improper assessment of hydrological factors such as overtopping and consequent failure of an earthen dam due to inadequate spillway capacity, failure of bridges and culverts due to excess flood flow inability of a large reservoir to fill up due to overestimation of flow etc.