जमींदारी या मालिक (Landowner or owner in Hindi)

Submitted by Jeetendra on Mon, 08/21/2017 - 13:13

जमींदारी या मालिक (Landowner or owner in Hindi)

जमींदारी या मालिक

Word Explanation

The owner of a real property. This term refers to an owner of an undivided interest, a life tenant, a remainderman, or a trustee under an active trust, but not to a mortgagee, a trustee under a trust deed in the nature of a mortgage, a lien holder, or a lessee.

अन्य स्रोतों से


बाहरी कड़ियाँ

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विकिपीडिया से (Meaning from Wikipedia)


वेबस्टर शब्दकोश ( Meaning With Webster's Online Dictionary )

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शब्द रोमन में


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