खैर छोड़ दिया (Abandoned Well in Hindi)

Submitted by Jeetendra on Mon, 08/14/2017 - 16:18

खैर छोड़ दिया (Abandoned Well in Hindi)

खैर छोड़ दिया

Word Explanation

A well which is no longer used or a well removed from service; a well whose use has been permanently discontinued or which is in a state of such disrepair that it cannot be used for its intended purpose. Generally, abandoned wells will be filled with concrete or cement grout to protect underground water from waste and contamination.

अन्य स्रोतों से


बाहरी कड़ियाँ

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विकिपीडिया से (Meaning from Wikipedia)


वेबस्टर शब्दकोश ( Meaning With Webster's Online Dictionary )

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