एक छोटा जलविभाजक, जिसमें लघु अवधि की उच्च तीव्र वर्षा तथा भूमि उपयोग के प्रति इसकी संवेदन शीलता चैनल संचयन गुणों द्वारा निसद्ध नहीं होती है। इस परिभाषा के अनुसार लघु जलविभाजक का आकार कुछ एकड़ से 1000 एकड़ तक, यहां तक कि 50 वर्ग मील तक, हो सकता है। अधिभू प्रवाह का प्रभाव चैनल प्रवाह के प्रभाव के अधिक होता है।
A watershed that is so small that its sensitivity to high intensity rainfall of short duration and to land use are not suppressed by the channel storage characteristics. By this definition, the size of a small watershed may be found from few acres to 1000 acres, or even up to 50 sq miles. Effect of overland flow is dominating than the effect of channel flow.
A watershed that is so small that its sensitivity to high intensity rainfall of short duration and to land use are not suppressed by the channel storage characteristics. By this definition, the size of a small watershed may be found from few acres to 1000 acres, or even up to 50 sq miles. Effect of overland flow is dominating than the effect of channel flow.