मेघ बीजीकरण में, मेघों में स्थिर अवस्था में उपलब्ध जल की मात्रा को, शुष्क बर्फ, सिल्वर आयोडाइड अथवा अन्य रसायन पदार्थों के मिश्रण से, अस्थिर बनाया जाता है, ताकि इस जल की कुछ मात्रा भूमि तक अचक्षेपण के रूप में पहुंच सके।
In cloud seeding, the clouds which contain appreciable amount of liquid water under colloidally stable conditions, are made colloidally unstable by the addition of dry ice, silver iodide or other chemical agents so that a certain part of this otherwise unavailable water will reach the ground as precipitation.
In cloud seeding, the clouds which contain appreciable amount of liquid water under colloidally stable conditions, are made colloidally unstable by the addition of dry ice, silver iodide or other chemical agents so that a certain part of this otherwise unavailable water will reach the ground as precipitation.