Ajit Seshadri, The Vigyan Vijay Foundation, New Delhi
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Our Ngo has been dealing with water, wastewater, and solid-waste issues. For site specific requirement, due tests need to be conducted for inflow (lake raw water) and also obtain a representative sample and keep a record of test data of outflow water based on the process used, say sand filers, R.O., UV and upon testing we can decide what remediations need to be undertaken. This can then be fine-tuned to get the desired parameters. As we have indicated in previous responses, potable water, water needs to have the following, which is a concept used by us in water-literacy programmes for communities. This is known as CATS, which stands for:
• C-stands for clean and clear,
• A-alkaline as the body systems tend to reach acidity easily, pH - 7.5
• T-tasty to mean good minerals, salts, etc with no pungent taste or odour
• S-sterile to have the water with no pathogens, germs, etc.
We are working in an urban community in Delhi to provide them with potable water. Here similar interventions are being planned, i.e. RO with UV with monitoring of the parameters and fine-tuning the process applied. Since power availability is a problem, we are assessing possibilities of solar powered-PV systems to power the RO and UV and pumping Units. This is expensive, but needed as safe-water comes with some cost involved. Solar electricity may be contemplated in power scarce rural areas as the power requirement is not large. If the system requires only filtration with UV- lamps them the power consumption is also minimal.
• C-stands for clean and clear,
• A-alkaline as the body systems tend to reach acidity easily, pH - 7.5
• T-tasty to mean good minerals, salts, etc with no pungent taste or odour
• S-sterile to have the water with no pathogens, germs, etc.
We are working in an urban community in Delhi to provide them with potable water. Here similar interventions are being planned, i.e. RO with UV with monitoring of the parameters and fine-tuning the process applied. Since power availability is a problem, we are assessing possibilities of solar powered-PV systems to power the RO and UV and pumping Units. This is expensive, but needed as safe-water comes with some cost involved. Solar electricity may be contemplated in power scarce rural areas as the power requirement is not large. If the system requires only filtration with UV- lamps them the power consumption is also minimal.