परित्यक्त जल अधिकार (Abandoned Water Right in Hindi)

Submitted by Jeetendra on Mon, 08/14/2017 - 16:02

परित्यक्त जल अधिकार (Abandoned Water Right in Hindi)

परित्यक्त जल अधिकार

Word Explanation

A water right which has not been put to Beneficial Use for generally five or more years, in which the owner of the water right states that the water right will not be used, or takes such actions that would prevent the water from being beneficially used. Compare to Forfeited Water Right.

अन्य स्रोतों से


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विकिपीडिया से (Meaning from Wikipedia)


वेबस्टर शब्दकोश ( Meaning With Webster's Online Dictionary )

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