प्रत्यक्ष अपवाह (DIRECT RUNOFF definition in Hindi) 1. सतही अपवाह, अंतर्वाह तथा वाहिका अवक्षेपण का योग।
प्रत्यक्ष अपवाह (DIRECT RUNOFF definition in English) 1. The sum of surface runoff, interflow and channel precipitation.
प्रत्यक्ष अपवाह (DIRECT RUNOFF definition in English) 2. Direct Runoff - The runoff entering stream channels promptly after rainfall or snowmelt. Superimposed on base runoff, it forms the bulk of the hydrograph of a flood. See also surface runoff. The terms base runoff and direct runoff are time classifications of runoff. The terms groundwater runoff and surface runoff are classifications according to source.
प्रत्यक्ष अपवाह (DIRECT RUNOFF definition in English) 3. Direct runoff: Flow of water entering stream channels promptly. It includes surface flows and interflow and is used where interflow cannot be separated in hydrological analysis. This part of surface runoff which reaches the catchment outlet shortly after the rain starts. Its volume is equal to rainfall excess. Some procedures for its derivation include prompt subsurface runoff but all exclude base flow.