यह निस्सरण आकलन की एक अप्रत्यक्ष विधि है जिसके लिए निम्न की आवश्यकता पड़ती है: (1) ऐसी सरिता खण्ड का चयन जिसके दोनों ओर तल उदविक्षेप सहित अनुप्रस्थ परिच्छेद गुणों का ज्ञान हो, (2)मैनिंग एन का मान, (3) दोनों किनारों पर जल सतह उदविक्षेप।
It is a very versatile indirect method of discharge estimation which requires: (1) selection of a reach in which cross sectional properties including bed elevations are known at its ends, (2) the value of Manning’ s N and (3) water surface elevations at the two end sections.
It is a very versatile indirect method of discharge estimation which requires: (1) selection of a reach in which cross sectional properties including bed elevations are known at its ends, (2) the value of Manning’ s N and (3) water surface elevations at the two end sections.