फैसिलीटेशन एंड अवेयरनेस ऑफ कम्युनिटी फॉर इम्पॉवरमेंट (एफएसीई)

Submitted by Hindi on Thu, 02/14/2013 - 10:59
Name in English
Facilitation And Awareness Of Community For Empowerment FACE
संपर्क व्यक्ति
Neelesh Tiwari
फोन न.
07662-296313 Mobile No : 09893249273
डाक पता/ Postal Address
Plot No. 436,Opposite of Look House, Shiv Nagar, Near GEC Rewa-486001(M.P.) City : Rewa
जिला / District
राज्य / State
मध्य प्रदेश
तालुका / शहर
Org Location District
Org Location State

काम के मुद्दे

Animal Husbandry, Dairying & Fisheries, Agriculture, Education & Literacy, Environment & Forests, Food Processing, Health & Family Welfare, Panchayati Raj, Rural Development & Poverty Alleviation, Tribal Affairs, Urban Development & Poverty Alleviation, Water Resources, Women's Development & Empowerment