संभावित अधिकतम बाढ़ (PROBABLE MAXIMUM FLOOD Meaning in Hindi)
संभावित अधिकतम बाढ़ (PROBABLE MAXIMUM FLOOD Definition in Hindi) 1. वह बाढ़ जो किसी क्षेत्र में हो सकने वाली चरम मौसम विज्ञानीय एवं जल वैज्ञानीय अवस्थाओं के क्रान्तिक संयोग के परिणाम स्वरूप होती है।
संभावित अधिकतम बाढ़ (PROBABLE MAXIMUM FLOOD Definition in English) 1. It is defined as that flood which is estimated to result, if the most critical combination of severe meteorological and hydrological conditions considered reasonably possible in the region, were to occur.
संभावित अधिकतम बाढ़ (PROBABLE MAXIMUM FLOOD Definition in English) 2. Flood, Maximum Probable - The flood magnitude that may be expected from the most critical combination of meteorologic and hydrologic conditions reasonably possible for a given watershed.