सतही अपवाह (SURFACE RUNOFF Meaning in Hindi)
सतही अपवाह (SURFACE RUNOFF definition in Hindi) 1. वह जल, जो मृदा की सतह के ऊपर बहता हुआ नदी में पहुंचता है अथवा सीधे नदी में गिरता है।
सतही अपवाह (SURFACE RUNOFF definition in English) 1. The water which reaches the stream by traveling over the soil surface or falls directly into the stream channels.
सतही अपवाह (SURFACE RUNOFF definition in Englsish) 2. Surface Runoff - That part of the runoff that travels over the soil surface to the nearest stream channel. It is also defined as that part of the runoff of a drainage basin that has not passed beneath the surface since precipitation. The term is misused when applied in the sense of direct runoff. See also runoff, overland flow, direct runoff, groundwater runoff, and surface water.