इकाई जलारेख, एकांख जलारेख (Unit hydrograph Definition in Hindi)

Submitted by Hindi on Sat, 05/29/2010 - 11:20

इकाई जलारेख, एकांख जलारेख (Unit hydrograph Definition in Hindi)

इकाई जलारेख, एकांख जलारेख (Unit hydrograph Definition in English) 1.Unit Hydrograph - graph of runoff vs. time produced by a unit rainfall over a given duration.

इकाई जलारेख, एकांख जलारेख (Unit hydrograph Definition in English) 2. Unit Hydrograph - A direct runoff hydrograph produced by 1 unit of excess precipitation over a specified duration. For example, a 1-hour unit hydrograph is the direct runoff from one unit of excess precipitation occurring uniformly over one hour.