उत्स्रुत जलदायी स्तर के भेद रहे कूप को उत्स्रुत कूप कहते हैं। यदि जल स्तर परिरुद्ध तल से ऊपर उठ जाता है परंतु भू-सतह से नीचे रहता है तो इसे उत्स्रुत कूप कहते हैं। यदि जी स्तर भू-सतह से उपर उठ जाता है तो इसे उस्स्रुत कूप कहते हैं।
A well penetrating an artesian aqifer is called Artesian Well. If the water level rises above the bottom of the confining bed but remains below the ground surface, then it is called Artesian Well. If water rises above the ground surface, then it is called flowing well.
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A well penetrating an artesian aqifer is called Artesian Well. If the water level rises above the bottom of the confining bed but remains below the ground surface, then it is called Artesian Well. If water rises above the ground surface, then it is called flowing well.
Tags - Artesian Well in Hindi.