यह दक्षिण-पश्चिम की ओर प्रवाहित होने वाली वायु है जिसका उदगम हिन्द महासागर से होता है। ये अपने साथ आर्द्रता लाती है तथा भारत में दो शाखाओं के रूप में फैलती है: (1) अरब सागर शाखा (2) बंगाल की खाड़ी शाखा। पहली का प्रभाव केरल के दक्षिण में तथा दूसरी का आसाम में जून के प्रथम सप्ताह में प्रारम्भ होता है। यह भारत में वर्षा लाने वाली मुख्य मानसून है।
It is south-westerly flow of air which originates in the Indian Ocean, picks up moisture and advances over India in two branches (i) the Arabian sea branch and (ii) the Bay of Bangal branch. The former sets in at the extreme southern part of Kerala and the latter in Assam, almost simultaneously in the first week of june. This is the principle rain causing monsoon in India.
It is south-westerly flow of air which originates in the Indian Ocean, picks up moisture and advances over India in two branches (i) the Arabian sea branch and (ii) the Bay of Bangal branch. The former sets in at the extreme southern part of Kerala and the latter in Assam, almost simultaneously in the first week of june. This is the principle rain causing monsoon in India.