संपर्क व्यक्ति
Swami Nigmanand
वेब साइट/ ब्लॉग
मोहल्ला/ गांव
डाक पता/ Postal Address
जिला / District
राज्य / State
तालुका / शहर
Matri Sadan is a divine and spiritual organization to protect, promote and strive for conservation of the environment and prevent all sorts of polluting activities, both internal and external (including air, water, sound, etc).Special previledge to Pollution free Holy River Ganga.
Matri Sadan is working incessantly towards the fulfilment of these objectives through its Sanyasins and devotees, under the guidance of His Holiness Shri Gurudeva Swami Shivanand. Its Sanyasins and devotees have taken up such issues as Ganga Pollution, Air Pollution, sound Pollution and Corruption in Public Offices, government & judiciary and fought bravely through truthful, peaceful and non-violent means within the framework of the constitution. Wherever the situation has demanded, Matri Sadan has not hesitated to uphold the principles of Universal Justice by way of adopting Satyagraha
Matri Sadan is working incessantly towards the fulfilment of these objectives through its Sanyasins and devotees, under the guidance of His Holiness Shri Gurudeva Swami Shivanand. Its Sanyasins and devotees have taken up such issues as Ganga Pollution, Air Pollution, sound Pollution and Corruption in Public Offices, government & judiciary and fought bravely through truthful, peaceful and non-violent means within the framework of the constitution. Wherever the situation has demanded, Matri Sadan has not hesitated to uphold the principles of Universal Justice by way of adopting Satyagraha