Model designs for Rain Water Harvesting and Artificial Recharge

Submitted by Hindi on Fri, 10/28/2016 - 16:28

Model designs for Rain Water Harvesting and Artificial Rechargehave been prepared, which can be useddepending upon the suitability of theterrain.

a. Hilly and Inter-mountainous area- Percolation Tanks, Modification of Village tanks as recharge structure, Gabion Structure, Contour Bunds (Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, Uttrakhand, Sikkim & North Eastern States)

b. Alluvial Area- Percolation Tanks, Recharge Pits ( Punjab , Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, West Bengal)

c. Hard Rock Area- Recharge through Abandoned Dug Wells/ Bore Wells/ Tube Wells, Modification of Village tanks as recharge structure, Gabion Structure,Percolation Tanks (Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Kerala)

The description of these structures along with designs is as under:-


Percolation tanks are among the most common runoff harvesting structures in India. A percolation tank can be defined as an artificially created surface water body submerging a highly permeable land area so that the surface runoff is made to percolate and recharge the ground water storage. They are not provided with sluices or outlets for discharging water from the tank for irrigation or other purposes. They may, however, be provided with arrangements for spilling away the surplus water that may enter the tank so as to avoid over-topping of the tank bund.

The hydrogeological condition of site for percolation tank is of utmost importance. The rocks coming under submergence area should have high permeability. The degree and extent of weathering of rocks should be uniform and not just localized. The purpose of percolation tank is to conserve the surface run off and diverts the maximum possible surface water to the ground water storage. Thus the water accumulated in the tank after monsoon should percolate at the earliest, without much evaporation losses.

A percolation tank is designed to ensure maximum capacity utilization, long life span, cost effectiveness and optimum recharge to groundwater. Storage capacity, waste weir, drainage arrangement and cut off trench (COT) are the important features of percolation tank which need proper design. The overall design of the percolation tank is similar to an earthen dam constructed for minor irrigation without canal.

These are the most prevalent structures in India as a measure to recharge theground water reservoir both in alluvial as well as hard rock formations. The efficacy andfeasibility of these structures is more in hard rock formation where the rocks are highlyfractured and weathered. In the States of Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh,Karnataka and Gujarat, the percolation tanks have been constructed in plenty in basalticlava flows and crystalline rocks.

The percolationtanks are however also feasible in all hard rock terrain with weathered thickness of minimum of 5 m, all soft rock terrain with top clay of maximum 3 m. thickness and in mountain fronts occupied by talus scree deposits. Thepercolation tanks are feasible structures in the States of Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, Uttrakhand, Sikkim, North Eastern States, Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, West Bengal,Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Kerala.

Percolation tanks are to be normally constructed on second or third order streams, as the catchment area of such streams would be of optimum size. The location of tank and its submergence area should be in non-cultivable land and in natural depressions requiring lesser land acquisition. There should be cultivable land downstream of the tank in its command with a number of wells to ensure maximum benefit by such efforts. Steps should be taken to prevent severe soil erosion through appropriate soil conservation measures in the catchment. This will keep the tank free from siltation which otherwise reduces the percolation efficiency and life of the structure.

The catchment yield and basin configuration drawn from topographic surveys at site determine the height of the percolation tank. The top of dam wall is normally kept 2-3 m wide. Upstream and downstream slopes of the dam wall are normally taken as 2.5:1 and 2:1 respectively. The design particular of a typical percolation tank is shown belowalong with all relevant details.

Design Aspects of a Typical Percolation Pond

Design Aspects of a Typical Percolation PondDesign of Tank Bund: The tank bund, for all practical purposes, is a small-sized earthen dam and its design and construction should be carried out in accordance with the principles applicable to earthen dams.

The bunds of a percolation pond may be of three types, i.e.

a. Type A: Homogeneous embankment type
b. Type B: Zoned Embankment Type
c. Type C: Diaphragm Type

Tank bunds in India are mostly of Type A and are constructed with soils excavatedfrom pits in the immediate vicinity of the bund and transported to the bund.

The Common Types of Bunds of Percolation Ponds are shown below

Type A- Homogeneous Type

Type A- Homogeneous Type.Type C-Diaphragm TypeFigure showing the Percolation Ponds


It is a watershed management practice aimed at building up soil moisture storage involves construction of small embankments or bunds across the slope of the land. They derive their names from the construction of bunds along contours of equal land elevation. This technique is generally adopted in areas where gently sloping agricultural lands with very long slope lengths are available and the soils are permeable. Schematic of a typical system of contour bunds is shown in the Fig below.

Schematics of a Typical Contour Bund

Schematics of a Typical Contour BundContour bunding involves construction of narrow-based trapezoidal embankments (bunds) along contours to impound water behind them, which infiltrates into the soil and ultimately augment ground water recharge.

Such types of structures are feasibly in hilly area like Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, Uttrakhand, Sikkim & North Eastern States.


In alluvial as well as hard rock areas, there are thousands of dug wells/Bore Wells / Tube Wells which haveeither gone dry or the water levels have declined considerably. These can beused as structures to recharge. The ground water reservoir, storm water, tankwater, canal water etc. can be diverted into these structures to directly recharge the driedaquifer. By doing so the soil moisture losses during the normal process of artificialrecharge, are reduced. The recharge water is guided through a pipe to the bottom of well,below the water level to avoid scoring of bottom and entrapment of air bubbles in theaquifer. The quality of source water including the silt content should be such that thequality of ground water reservoir is not deteriorated.

a. Care need to be taken to ensure that the water used for recharge is free of sand and silt.

b. The agricultural fields often contain contaminates in the form of fertilizer and pesticide residue. Precaution need to be taken so that these contaminates do not go into the aquifer.

c. The runoff after the first rain should be diverted away from the wells into the adjacent local drain. For this purpose a small gate may be installed before the filter chamber.

d. The gates can be removed/opened after the first rains have washed away the contaminants in the agricultural field. A gate can be created by a simple steel sheet. A barrier can also be created by piling of the farm soil near the entrance of the filter pit.

e. Seasonal desilting of the filter chamber should be carried out before monsoon for better and faster filtration.

f. Replace the filter media seasonally or as per the requirement for fast filtration.

Regular check is required for intake pipe and overflow pipe to overcome the problems of chokingdue to agricultural waste material. Schematic diagrams of dug wellrecharge are given below:-

Typical Dugwell Recharge Structure

Schematics of a Dug Well

Schematics of a Dug WellAbandoned Dug Well fitted with Rain Water Harvesting Mechanism


Recharge pits are normally excavated pits, which aresufficiently deep to penetrate the lowpermeability layers overlying the unconfinedaquifers. They are similar to recharge basins in principle, with the onlydifference being that they are deeper and have restricted bottom area. In many suchstructures, most of the infiltration occurs laterally through the walls of the pit as inmost layered sedimentary or alluvial material the lateral hydraulic conductivity isconsiderably higher than the vertical hydraulic conductivity. Abandoned gravel quarrypits or brick kiln quarry pits in alluvial areas and abandoned quarries in basaltic areascan also be used as recharge pits wherever they are underlain by permeable horizons.Nalahtrench is a special case of recharge pit dug across a streambed. Ideal sites forsuch trenches are influent stretches of streams.

Design Guidelines

a. The recharging capacity of the pit increase with its area of cross section. Hence, it is always advisable to construct as large a pit as possible.

b. The permeability of the underlying strata should be ascertained through infiltration tests before taking up construction of recharge pits.

c. The side slopes of recharge pits should be 2:1 as steep slopes reduce clogging and sedimentation on the walls of the pit.

d. Recharge pits may be used as ponds for storage and infiltration of water or they may be backfilled with gravel sand filter material over a layer of cobbles/boulders at the bottom. Even when the pits are to be used as ponds, it is desirable to provide a thin layer of sand at the bottom to prevent the silt from clogging permeable strata.

e. As in the case of water spreading techniques, the source water being used for recharge should be as silt-free as possible.

f. The bottom area of the open pits and the top sand layer of filter-packed pits may require periodic cleaning to ensure proper recharge. Recharge pits located in flood-prone areas and on streambeds are likely to be effective for short duration only due to heavy silting. Similar pits by the sides of streambeds are likely to be effective for longer periods.

g. In hard rock areas, streambed sections crossing weathered or fractured rocks or sections along prominent lineaments or intersection of lineaments form ideal locations for recharge pits.

Schematics of a Recharge Pit

Schematics of a Recharge Pit


This is a kind of check dam commonly constructed across small streams toconserve stream flows with practically no submergence beyond stream course.A small bund across the stream is made by putting locally available bouldersin a mesh of steel wires and anchored to the stream banks.The height of such structures is around 0.5 m and is normally used in thestreams with width of less than 10 m.The excess water over flows this structure storing some water to serve assource of recharge. The silt content of stream water in due course is depositedin the interstices of the boulders in due course and with growth of vegetation,the bund becomes quite impermeable and helps in retaining surface water runoff for sufficient time after rains to recharge the ground water body.These structures are common in the states of Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Gujarat, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu& Kashmir.

Schematics of a Gabion Structure

Schematics of a Gabion Structure.


In India, tanks/ponds and lakes have traditionally played an important role in conserving water for meeting various needs of the communities. As per 3rd Minor Irrigation Census 2000-2001, there are 5.56 Lakh tanks and storages in the country. Out of 5.56 lakh tanks, 4.71 lakh tanks are in use, and the remaining 0.85 lakh tanks are not in use for one reason or the other.These existing village tanks which are normally silted and damaged can be modified to serve as recharge structure. In general no “Cut Off Trench” (COT) and Waste Weir is provided for village tanks. Desilting, coupled with providing proper waste weir and C.O.T. on the upstream side, the village tanks can be converted into recharge structure. Several such tanks are available which can be modified for enhancing ground water recharge. Some of the tanks in Maharashtra and Karnataka have been converted into percolation tanks. Such tanks are available in plenty in Jammu & Kashmir, rural Tamil Nadu, they could be converted into cost-effective structures for augmenting ground water recharge with minor modifications.

Desilted ponds at Kondayampalli, Salem, Tamil Nadu


Gully Plugs are built using local stones, clay and bushes across small gullies and streams running down the hill slopes carrying drainage to tiny catchments during rainy season. Gully Plugs help in conservation of soil and moisture.The sites for gully plugs may be chosen whenever there is a local break in slope to permit accumulation of adequate water behind the bunds. These are suitable for Hilly and Inter-mountainous area like Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, Uttrakhand, Sikkim & North Eastern States.

Gully Plug


This is the most efficient and cost effective technique to recharge unconfined aquifer overlain by poorly permeable strata.Recharge shaft may be dug manually if the strata is of non-caving nature. The diameter of shaft is normally more than 2 m. The shaft should end in more permeable strata below the top impermeable strata. It may not touch water table. The unlined shaft should be backfilled, initially with boulders/ cobbles followed by gravel and coarse sand.In case of lined shaft the recharge water may be fed through a smaller conductor pipe reaching up to the filter pack.

These recharge structures are very useful for village ponds where shallow clay layer impedes the infiltration of water to the aquifer. It is seen that in rainy season village tanks are fully filled up but water from these tanks does not percolate down due to siltation and tubewell and dugwells located nearby remains dried up. The water from village tanks get evaporated and is not available for the beneficial use. By constructing recharge shaft in tanks, surplus water can be recharged to ground water. Recharge shafts of 0.5 to 3 m. diameter and 10 to 15 m. deep are constructed depending upon availability of quantum of water.

The top of shaft is kept above the tank bed level preferably at half of full supply level.These are back filled with boulders, gravels and coarse sand. In upper portion of 1 or 2 m depth, the brick masonry work is carried out for the stability of the structure. Through this technique all the accumulated water in village tank above 50% full supply level would be recharged to ground water. Sufficient water will continue to remain in tank for domestic use after recharge. The Schematics of Recharge Shafts is shown the fig given below:-

Canal or pond

Schematics of Recharge Shafts

Schematics of Recharge ShaftsRecharge Shafts in a Village Pond


The concept of rainwater harvesting involves ‘tapping the rainwater where it falls’. Amajor portion of rainwater that falls on the earth’s surface runs off into streams andrivers and finally into the sea. An average of 8-12 percent of the total rainfall rechargeonly is considered to recharge the aquifers. The technique of rainwater harvestinginvolves collecting the rain from localized catchment surfaces such as roofs, plain /sloping surfaces etc., either for direct use or to augment the ground water resourcesdepending on local conditions.

Components of Roof Top Rainwater Harvesting System

In a typical domestic roof top rainwater harvesting system, rainwater from the roof is collected in a storage vessel or tank for use during periods of scarcity. Such systems are usually designed to support the drinking and cooking needs of the family and comprise a roof, a storage tank and guttering to transport the water from the roof to the storage tank. In addition, a first flush system to divert the dirty water, which contains debris, collected on the roof during non-rainy periods and a filter unit to remove debris and contaminants before water enters the storage tank are also provided. Therefore, a typical Roof top Rainwater Harvesting System comprises following components:

Roof catchment
Drain pipes
Down pipe
First flush pipe
Filter unit
Storage tank
Collection sump
Pump unit
Recharge Structure

A Typical Rainwater Harvesting SystemAmong the above components, storage tank and filter unit are the most expensive and critical components. The capacity of the storage tank determines the cost of the system as well as its reliability for assured water supply whereas the filter unit assures the quality of the supplied water.