प्रतिवर्ती प्रवाह अर्थ और परिभाषा (RETURN FLOW Meaning and definition in Hindi)
प्रतिवर्ती प्रवाह अर्थ और परिभाषा (RETURN FLOW Meaning and definition in Hindi) 1. नदी अथवा सरिता से पथांतरित जल का वह भाग जो सतही अपवाह (सदृश प्रवाह) एवं तल या तटों से अन्त: स्रवण या रिसन (अदृश्य प्रवाह) द्वारा वापिस मुख्य धारा में आ मिलता है।
प्रतिवर्ती प्रवाह अर्थ और परिभाषा (RETURN FLOW Meaning and definition in English) 1. That portion of the water, diverted from a river or stream, which ultimately finds its way back through surface runoff (visible flow) and as percolation or seepage through the bed and bands (invisible flow).
प्रतिवर्ती प्रवाह अर्थ और परिभाषा (RETURN FLOW Meaning and definition in English) 2. Return flow: The amount of water that reaches a surface or ground water source after it has been released from the point of use and thus becomes available for further reuse.