इसको सतही संचयन अथवा प्रारम्भिक जलावरोध भी कहते है। यह अवक्षेपण का वह भाग है जो अवक्षेपण की अवधी के दौरान अथवा उसके तुरन्त पश्चात न तो अन्त: स्यन्दित होता है तथा न ही सतही अपवाह के रूप में दिखाई देता है। सतही धारण में वनस्पति आवरण द्वारा अर्न्तग्रहण, गर्त जल संग्रह, अवक्षेपण के दौरान वाष्पन शामिल होते हैं इसमें वह जल शामिल नहीं होता जो नदी तंत्र में अस्थायी रूप से संचित होता है।
Also known as surface storage or initial detention, it is that part of precipitation which does not appear either as infiltration or as surface runoff during the period of infiltration or as surface runoff during the period of precipitation or immediately thereafter Thus surface retention includes interception by during precipitation. It does not include water which is temporarily stored enroute to the stream system.
Also known as surface storage or initial detention, it is that part of precipitation which does not appear either as infiltration or as surface runoff during the period of infiltration or as surface runoff during the period of precipitation or immediately thereafter Thus surface retention includes interception by during precipitation. It does not include water which is temporarily stored enroute to the stream system.