तनासह प्रवाह (STEM FLOW Meaning in Hindi)

Submitted by admin on Fri, 12/18/2009 - 18:40

तनासह प्रवाह (STEM  FLOW Meaning in Hindi)

तनासह प्रवाह (STEM  FLOW Definition in Hindi) 1. यह वर्षा का वह भाग है जो वितान द्वारा अर्न्तग्रहण होकर तने से नीचे की ओर प्रवाहित होकर भूमि तक पहुंचता है।

तनासह प्रवाह (STEM  FLOW Definition in English) 1. It is that part of rainfall that, having been intercepted by the canopy, reaches the ground by running down the stems.

तनासह प्रवाह (STEM  FLOW Definition in English) 2. Stemflow Rainfall or snowmelt led to the ground down the trunks or stems of plants.