मानचित्र में वर्षामापी केन्द्र के बिन्दुओं को सीधी रेखा से जोड़ा जाता है तथा उस पर लम्ब खींचा जाता है। इस लम्ब के कारण प्रत्येक स्टेशन के चारों ओर बने बहुभुज क्षेत्र को, खोजकर्ता के नाम पर, थीसेन बहुभुज कहते है।
The points of location or rain gauges on a map are joined by straight lines and their perpendicular bisectors are drawn. The polygon formed around each station by these perpendiculars is called, after its originator, Thiessen polygon.
The points of location or rain gauges on a map are joined by straight lines and their perpendicular bisectors are drawn. The polygon formed around each station by these perpendiculars is called, after its originator, Thiessen polygon.