अपवाह (Runoff Definition in Hindi) 1. अवक्षेपण का वह भाग जो भूमि द्वारा अवशोषित नहीं किया जाता तथा अंतरोधन एवं अन्य हास सहित वाष्पोत्सर्जन की सतत मांग पूरी करने के पश्चात् नदी में पहुच जाता है।
अपवाह (Runoff Definition in English) 1. That portion of precipitation which is not absorbed by the deep strata but finds its way into the streams after meeting the persistent demands of evapotranspiration including interception and other losses.
अपवाह (Runoff Definition in English) 2. Runoff - flow of water across the land surface as surface runoff or interflow. The volume is equal to the total rainfall minus losses.
अपवाह (Runoff Definition in English) 3. Runoff - Precipitation on the ground that is not captured by evaporation, infiltration, interception, or surface storage.
अपवाह (Runoff in Hindi)
अपवाह (Runoff in Hindi) word explanation -
That portion of precipitation that flows off the surface of a drainage area after accounting for all abstractions, such as interception, evaporation, infiltration, and surface storage.