सौर ऊष्मांक (Solar constant Meaning in Hindi)
(Definition in Hindi) 1. वायुमंडल की ऊपरी सतह की प्रति इकाई क्षेत्र पर प्राप्त सौर-विकिरण की मात्रा, जो लगभग 21 कैलोरी प्रति वर्ग सेंटीमीटर प्रतिमिनट होती है।
(Definition in Hindi) 1. The solar constant (S0) is the amount of incoming solar electromagnetic radiation per unit area at the mean Earth−Sun distance, measured on the outer surface of the Earth’s atmosphere, in a plane perpendicular to the rays (in W m-2). As this value is not constant in time, the term total solar irradiance is often preferred in recent years.